Cocalero Sour

Cocalero(Clasico)[Coca liqueur]60 ml
Lemon juice30 ml
Sugar syrup20 ml
Egg white1 piece
Aromatic bitters(* Finally sprinkle)(※ Angostura Aromatic Bitters), etc.1 dash
Pour ice and ingredients into a shaker and shake.
GlassOld fashioned glass(Rock glass)
Icewith Ice
AlcoholNormal(9% to 24%)
FlavorSweet and sour
TypeLong drink
Photo: Cocalero Sour ©okyawa
Cocalero herbal, sweet and sour taste, with a nice accent of bitters to tighten up the flavor, and a smooth texture. A sweet and sour cocktail that is easy to drink.
Jan 4, 2025

About Cocalero Sour Ingredients

コカリキュール (コカレロ)
Coa liqueur (Cocalero)
This herbal liqueur is a blend of coca leaves and herbs. It is distilled to remove the narcotic component of coca leaves, and has a delicate, fresh aroma from the herbs and strong sweetness.A party drink served in clubs and discos. Cocalero has an alcohol content of 29 degrees.
Lemon juice
Lemon juice goes well with many types of cocktails.
Sugar syrup
A syrup made by dissolving sugar in water and boiling it. Often used in cold cocktails where sugar is difficult to dissolve.
卵 (卵白)
White egg
The addition of egg whites makes for a mellow and easy-to-drink cocktail. Shaking the mixture thoroughly will improve the foaminess.
Aromatic bitters
Bitter liqueur made primarily from the bark of the angostura (tangerine tree). When we simply call it Angostura bitters, we are referring to it. Just a few drops can add depth to the flavor.

About the supplies for making Cocalero Sour

Rocks glass
A small tumbler with a short, almost cylindrical shape. It is used for on-the-rocks drinking because of its wide mouth diameter and large ice capacity. The official name is Old Fashioned Glass.
Shaking with ice allows for rapid cooling. Effective for stirring materials that are difficult to mix or have a difference in specific gravity. Mellow out high alcohol content materials by mixing them with air.
Major cup
Measuring cups for measuring cocktail ingredients. Cups are paired at the top and bottom, and 30 ml and 45 ml are common.

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