Cocktail Recipes
Mozart black chocolate cocktail recipes

Mozart black chocolate cocktail recipes

- Mozart black chocolate
- Selected for its scent and taste of dark chocolate, Mozart Black Chocolate undergoes a special process during the final stage of the production, where specially crafted, rare loudspeakers play Mozart's music for two nights.
6 items
Ingredient Mozart black chocolate 30 ml Milk 90 ml Method BuildGlass Tumbler Ice with Ice Alcohol Weak(Less than 8%) Color Light brown Flavor Sweet Liking ★★★★☆ Classic cocktail with chocolate liqueur.Jul 26, 2020Ingredient Mozart black chocolate 30 ml Hot milk 90 ml Method BuildIce None Alcohol Weak(Less than 8%) Color Light brown Flavor Sweet Type Hot Liking ★★★★☆ With the moderate alcohol of chocolate liqueur, it warms the core of your body.Jul 26, 2020Ingredient Mozart black chocolate 30 ml Iced coffee Full up (90ml) Vanilla ice cream(* Float) to taste(60ml) Whipped cream(* Float) to taste Method BuildGlass Tumbler Ice with Ice Alcohol Weak(Less than 8%) Color Black Flavor Medium sweet Type Long drink Liking ★★★★☆ It tastes like a cafe au lait with a hint of chocolate without the alcohol.Jun 13, 2021Ingredient Mozart black chocolate 30 ml Soy milk 90 ml Method BuildGlass Tumbler Ice with Ice Alcohol Weak(Less than 8%) Color Light brown Flavor Milky Type Long drink Liking ★★★★☆ Sweet and milky taste.Jul 11, 2021Ingredient Mozart black chocolate 30 ml Iced tea Full up (75ml) Method BuildGlass Tumbler Ice with Ice Alcohol Weak(Less than 8%) Color Dark brown Type Long drink Liking ★★★☆☆ Tastes like milk tea with a cocoa flavor.Jul 11, 2021Ingredient Mozart black chocolate 30 ml Cranberry juice 90 ml Method BuildGlass Tumbler Ice with Ice Alcohol Weak(Less than 8%) Color Dark brown Flavor Sweet and sour Type Long drink Liking ★★★★☆ The sourness of the cranberries combines with the sweetness of the chocolate, giving it a sweet and sour taste like eating flavored chocolate.Sep 11, 2021
6 items