Cocktail Recipes
Coconut liqueur (Malibu) cocktail recipes for simply mixing
Coconut liqueur (Malibu) cocktail recipes for simply mixing
- Cocoanut liqueur
- A liqueur made by soaking coconuts in spirits and extracting the aroma. It is clear and colorless and has a distinctive sweet aroma.
7 items
Ingredient Malibu 30 ml Pineapple juice 90 ml Garnish Amount Cut lemon 1 cut Method BuildGlass Tumbler Ice with Ice Alcohol Weak(Less than 8%) Color Yellow Flavor Sweet Liking ★★★★★ Pineapple and Malibu go hand in hand in this signature Malibu cocktail. Perfect for those who love tropical flavors.Apr 1, 2020Ingredient Malibu 30 ml Cola 90 ml Garnish Amount Cut lemon 1 cut Method BuildGlass Tumbler Ice with Ice Alcohol Weak(Less than 8%) Color Brown (Amber) Flavor Medium sweet and dry Liking ★★★★★ This cocktail is perfect for summer, with a subtle hint of Malibu's signature coconut aroma amidst the refreshing Coke.Apr 2, 2020Ingredient Malibu 30 ml Orange juice 90 ml Method BuildGlass Tumbler Ice with Ice Alcohol Weak(Less than 8%) Color Orange Flavor Fruity Type Long drink Liking ★★★☆☆ A slightly sweet fruit cocktail with a rich coconut scent.Apr 17, 2021Ingredient Malibu 30 ml Apple juice 90 ml Method BuildGlass Tumbler Ice with Ice Alcohol Weak(Less than 8%) Color Yellow Flavor Super sweet Type Long drink Liking ★★★★★ Tastes like apple juice with a coconut flavor. Very sweet and easy to drink with no hint of alcohol.Apr 17, 2021Ingredient Malibu 30 ml Ginger ale Full up (90ml) Method BuildGlass Collins glass Ice with Ice Alcohol Weak(Less than 8%) Color Brown (Amber) Flavor Medium sweet Type Long drink Liking ★★★☆☆ Moderately sweet and refreshing taste.Sep 17, 2022Ingredient Malibu 30 ml Green tea Full up (90ml) Method BuildGlass Tumbler Ice with Ice Alcohol Weak(Less than 8%) Color Green Flavor Middle Type Long drink Liking ★★☆☆☆ The Malibu flavor of this cocktail is refreshingly clean with green tea.Sep 17, 2022Ingredient Malibu 30 ml Mango juice 90 ml Method BuildGlass Tumbler Ice with Ice Alcohol Weak(Less than 8%) Color Orange Flavor Sweet Type Long drink Liking ★★★☆☆ This cocktail has the sweetness of Malibu and mango juice, with a tart, sweet and fruity taste.May 6, 2023
7 items