Cocktail Recipes
Tea cocktail recipes
Tea cocktail recipes
- Tea
- Black tea goes well with spirits and also with fruit liqueurs. It is also delicious in non-alcoholic cocktails with soft drinks.
8 items
Ingredient Peach liqueur 30 ml Iced tea Full up (90ml) Method BuildGlass Tumbler Ice with Ice Alcohol Weak(Less than 8%) Color Brown (Amber) Flavor Refreshing Type Long drink Liking ★★★★☆ Nov 23, 2020Ingredient Mozart black chocolate 30 ml Iced tea Full up (75ml) Method BuildGlass Tumbler Ice with Ice Alcohol Weak(Less than 8%) Color Dark brown Type Long drink Liking ★★★☆☆ Tastes like milk tea with a cocoa flavor.Jul 11, 2021Ingredient Baileys(Irish cream) 45 ml Iced tea 45 ml Method BuildGlass Old fashioned glass(Rock glass) Ice with Ice Alcohol Weak(Less than 8%) Color Light brown Flavor Sweet Type Long drink Liking ★★★★☆ The mellowness of cream is added to the fragrant black tea, giving it a sweet and rich taste.Apr 17, 2021Ingredient Tequila rose(Strawberry cream) 60 ml Iced tea 60 ml Method BuildGlass Tumbler Ice with Ice Alcohol Weak(Less than 8%) Color Pink Flavor Medium sweet Type Long drink Liking ★★★★★ The ingredients work quite well together and are very easy to drink. The flavor of the black tea slightly reduces the sweetness, and you can taste the moderate creamy sweetness of the strawberries.Dec 8, 2024Ingredient Banana liqueur(Yellow) (Creme de Banana) 30 ml Iced tea 90 ml Garnish Amount Cut lemon(* Squeeze and put in) 1 cut Method BuildGlass Tumbler Ice with Ice Alcohol Weak(Less than 8%) Color Brown (Amber) Flavor Medium sweet Type Long drink Liking ★★★★☆ Banana and black tea go surprisingly well together and are refreshing to drink. The refreshing aroma of black tea matches the mellow flavor of bananas in this cocktail.Nov 13, 2022Ingredient Vodka 20 ml Amaretto 20 ml Strawberry liqueur 10 ml Grenadine syrup 10 ml Iced tea 60 ml Garnish Amount Sliced strawberry 3 slices Sliced lemon 1 slice Method ShakeGlass Collins glass Ice Crushed ice Alcohol Normal(9% to 24%) Color Red Flavor Sweet Type Long drink Liking ★★★★★ Sweetly flavored with amaretto and strawberry, it tastes like a sweet flavored tea. 1995 Suntory Cocktail Competition, Long Category, Honorable Mention. Created by Masahiko Tsuneyoshi.May 14, 2023Ingredient Monin white peach syrup 20 ml Iced tea 160 ml Garnish Amount Sliced lemon 1 slice MocktailMethod BuildGlass Tumbler Ice with Ice Alcohol Non-alcoholic(0%) Color Brown (Amber) Flavor Sweet Type Long drink Liking ★★★★★ Black tea with the sweetness of peach.Apr 25, 2021Ingredient Calpis 30 ml Tea 120 ml MocktailMethod BuildGlass Tumbler Ice with Ice Alcohol Non-alcoholic(0%) Color Light brown Flavor Medium sweet Type Non-alcoholic Liking ★★★☆☆ Iced tea with the sweetness of Calpis.May 16, 2021
8 items