Cocktail Recipes
Drambuie cocktail recipes
Drambuie cocktail recipes
- Drambuie
- A herbal liqueur made in Scotland. Based on a blend of dozens of Scotch whiskies, it contains honey, herbs, and spices. It has a honey-like aroma and a rich sweetness with herbs. 40% alcohol by volume.
9 items
Ingredient Amount Whiskey(* Scotch whisky is often used.) 30 ml Drambuie 30 ml Method BuildGlass Old fashioned glass(Rock glass) Ice with Ice Alcohol Strong(More than 25%) Color Brown (Amber) Flavor Medium sweet Type Long drink Liking ★★★★★ This cocktail was invented after World War II. The herbal sweetness of the Drambuie goes well with the whiskey, giving it a gentle, sweet and easy drinking taste. If the ratio of whiskey and Drambuie is equal, it is sweet, so if you want to make it dry, the ratio of whiskey and Drambuie should be about 3 to 1. If the whiskey is changed to vodka, it becomes a "Lucien Nail".Jul 15, 2023Ingredient Amount Vodka 30 ml Drambuie 30 ml Method BuildGlass Old fashioned glass(Rock glass) Ice with Ice Alcohol Strong(More than 25%) Color Brown (Amber) Flavor Sweet Type Long drink Liking ★★★★☆ A cocktail in which the whiskey in the "Rusty Nail" is replaced by vodka. It is named after Russia, the home of vodka. Lighter than the Rusty Nail, it has a sweeter taste with a distinct Drambuie flavor.Jul 15, 2023Ingredient Amount Scotch whiskey 45 ml Drambuie 15 ml Orange bitters 2 dashes Method StirGlass Cocktail glass Alcohol Strong(More than 25%) Color Brown (Amber) Flavor Medium sweet Type Short Liking ★★★★★ This cocktail is sweet and easy to drink, with a hint of orange bitters and a high alcohol content but gentle on the palate. The ingredients are similar to those of Rusty Nail, except that it is steamed and drunk short.Jul 15, 2023Ingredient Amount Drambuie 30 ml Tonic water Full up (90ml) Garnish Amount Cut lemon 1 cut Method BuildGlass Collins glass Ice with Ice Alcohol Normal(9% to 24%) Color Yellow Flavor Sweet Type Long drink Liking ★★★★★ The herbal aroma of the Drambuie is present, and the rich taste of the Drambuie is refreshed by the tonic water.Jul 15, 2023Ingredient Amount Drambuie 60 ml Method BuildGlass Old fashioned glass(Rock glass) Ice with Ice Alcohol Strong(More than 25%) Color Brown (Amber) Flavor Sweet Type Long drink T.P.O Digestif(After dinner cocktail) Liking ★★★★★ The sweetness and deep flavor with spicy and herbal notes of Drambuie can be felt directly. Perfect to be enjoyed alone as an after-dinner drink or paired with creamy desserts.Jul 21, 2023Ingredient Amount Drambuie 30 ml Pink grapefruit juice 60 ml Soda Full up (90ml) Garnish Amount Sliced pink grapefruit 1 slice Method BuildGlass Collins glass Ice with Ice Alcohol Color Orange Flavor Fruity Type Long drink Liking ★★★★★ The name "flask" is Italian for "fresh". This cocktail has a clean, fruity flavor with a hint of Drambuie herbs.Jul 21, 2023Ingredient Amount Drambuie 30 ml Ginger ale Full up (90ml) Garnish Amount Cut lemon 1 cut Method BuildGlass Collins glass Ice with Ice Alcohol Color Brown (Amber) Flavor Sweet Type Long drink Liking ★★★★★ With a sweet honey mouthfeel, the herbal taste and carbonation of ginger ale go well together in this cocktail, which also has a strong alcoholic taste.Jul 21, 2023Ingredient Amount Drambuie 30 ml Cola Full up (90ml) Method BuildGlass Collins glass Ice with Ice Alcohol Normal(9% to 24%) Color Black Flavor Sweet Type Long drink Liking ★★★★★ The richness of the Scotch whiskey that forms the base of Drambuie, but with the rich sweetness of honey and cola. This cocktail tastes as if honey has been added to sweet coke high.Aug 17, 2023Ingredient Amount Scotch whiskey 20 ml Drambuie 20 ml Orange juice 20 ml Method ShakeGlass Cocktail glass Alcohol Normal(9% to 24%) Color Orange Flavor Medium sweet Type Short T.P.O All day cocktail Liking ★★★★★ From St. Andrews, Scotland, birthplace of the name Golf. This cocktail has a herbal aroma, the full-bodied sweetness of Drambuie and spicy herbal flavor with the fruitiness of orange juice, and is very easy to drink with just the right amount of sweetness.Mar 10, 2024
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