Cocktail Recipes
Orange bitters cocktail recipes
Orange bitters cocktail recipes
- Orange bitters
- Bitter liquor made primarily from the rind of bitter oranges. It has a citrusy flavor with a hint of bitterness and is used to flavor cocktails with a few drops.
Ingredient Amount Dry Gin 20 ml Dry vermouth 20 ml Sweet vermouth 20 ml Mint liqueur(White) 1 tsp. Orange bitters 1 dash Method StirGlass Cocktail glass Alcohol Strong(More than 25%) Color Brown (Amber) Flavor Medium sweet Type Short Liking ★★★★☆ A refreshing taste.May 9, 2021Ingredient Amount Dry Gin 15 ml Cinzano vermouth rosso 15 ml Cinzano vermouth extra dry 15 ml Orange curacao 7.5 ml Orange juice 15 ml Orange bitters 3 dashes Garnish Amount Orange peel 1 cut Method ShakeGlass Cocktail glass Alcohol Normal(9% to 24%) Color Orange Flavor Medium sweet and dry Type Short Liking ★★★★☆ This cocktail is named after the Bronx, located on Manhattan Island in New York City. The fruity sweetness of orange tones softens the dryness of the gin.Dec 18, 2022Ingredient Amount Dry Gin 40 ml Orange juice 20 ml Orange bitters 1 dash Garnish Amount Maraschino cherry 1 piece Method ShakeGlass Cocktail glass Alcohol Normal(9% to 24%) Color Orange Flavor Middle Type Short T.P.O All day cocktail Liking ★★★☆☆ The name means Christian abbey. This cocktail has a clean aroma and taste, with almost no orange sweetness.Jan 21, 2023Ingredient Amount Dry Gin 60 ml Orange bitters 2 dashes Method StirGlass Cocktail glass Alcohol Strong(More than 25%) Color Transparency Flavor Dry Type Short T.P.O Aperitif(Pre dinner cocktail) Liking ★★★★☆ The name comes from the small amount of orange bitters that gives the gin a subtle yellow tint. The gin flavor has the bitter taste of orange bitters. If the orange bitters are replaced by angostura bitters, the result is "Pink Gin".Feb 17, 2024Ingredient Amount Bourbon whiskey 30 ml Sweet vermouth 30 ml Orange bitters 1 dash Method StirGlass Cocktail glass Alcohol Strong(More than 25%) Color Dark brown Flavor Medium sweet and dry Type Short Liking ★★★★☆ The sweetness and aroma of bourbon and sweet vermouth combine to create a mild taste.Feb 12, 2022Ingredient Amount Apricot brandy 40 ml Orange juice 20 ml Orange bitters 1/2 tsp. Garnish Amount Cut orange 1 cut Method ShakeGlass Old fashioned glass(Rock glass) Ice with Ice Alcohol Normal(9% to 24%) Color Orange Flavor Medium sweet Type Long drink T.P.O All day cocktail Liking ★★★★★ A sweet cocktail with a glass of sweet flavor. Even people who are not good at drinking are easy to drink. The name is the name of a city in southern Spain that is famous for its orange production. The official name is Valencia Cocktail. There is also the style of short drinks, which is poured into a cocktail glass without ice.Aug 13, 2020Ingredient Amount Amaretto 30 ml Cassis liqueur 15 ml Brandy 15 ml Orange bitters 1 dash Method ShakeGlass Cocktail glass Alcohol Strong(More than 25%) Color Brown (Amber) Flavor Sweet Type Short Liking ★★★★★ The sweetness and aroma of amaretto, the acidity and fruity taste of blackcurrant, and the bitterness of orange bitters accentuate this sweet cocktail. Created by Chieko Sawa, it won the first prize in the Liqueur category of the 1994 Suntory The Cocktail Competition.Nov 28, 2021Ingredient Amount Dry Gin 40 ml Maraschino liqueur 10 ml Lemon juice 10 ml Orange bitters 2 dashes Garnish Amount Maraschino cherry 1 piece Method ShakeGlass Cocktail glass Alcohol Strong(More than 25%) Color Transparency Flavor Middle Type Short Liking ★★★★☆ The dryness of gin and the rich aroma of maraschino. Although high in alcohol, it is easy to drink neat with a hint of sweetness and acidity.Jul 10, 2022Ingredient Amount Sloe gin 40 ml Sweet vermouth 20 ml Orange bitters 1 dash Method ShakeGlass Cocktail glass Alcohol Normal(9% to 24%) Color Red Flavor Sweet and sour Type Short T.P.O All day cocktail Liking ★★★★★ It means "red windmill" in French. The name is said to have come from the famous Parisian cabaret of the same name. It has a slightly sweet and sour taste. It has a nice refreshing aroma and looks beautiful red, making it a cohesive cocktail.Oct 10, 2020Ingredient Amount Sloe gin 60 ml Angostura aromatic bitters 1 dash Orange bitters 1 dash Method ShakeGlass Cocktail glass Alcohol Strong(More than 25%) Color Red Flavor Medium sweet Type Short Liking ★★★★☆ You can directly feel the flavor of the strawberry.Sep 12, 2021