Cocktail Recipes

Coconut powder cocktail recipes

Coconut powder
Coconut powder is made by grating the endosperm of the coconut palm and processing it into a powder. Coconut milk powder is made by boiling down coconut milk, evaporating the water, and processing it into a powder.
  • Ingredient
    Tequila(* Sauza gold)20 ml
    Coconut liqueur20 ml
    Advocaat(* Warninks)20 ml
    Lemon juice1 tsp.
    Cocoa Powder(* Rimmed with cocoa powder)frosting
    Coconut powder(* Rimmed with coconut powder)frosting
    GlassCocktail glass
    AlcoholNormal(9% to 24%)
    FlavorMedium sweet
    T.P.OAll day cocktail
    The sweet, fruity flavor of coconut and the mellowness of Advocaat are combined with the flavor of tequila to create a soft, refreshing cocktail. Created by Shigenori Kabaya. The cocktail was created in the image of a large full moon shining in the Mexican night sky and won the Grand Prize in the sweet category at the 6th Suntory The Cocktail Competition in 1999.
    Sep 3, 2022