Cocktail Recipes
Mozart chocolate cream cocktail recipes

Mozart chocolate cream cocktail recipes

- Mozart chocolate cream
- Born in the birthplace of Mozart, Salzburg, Mozart Chocolate Cream is crafted using cocoa and fresh cream in a lavish manner, resulting in a delightful taste of creamy chocolate that melts in your mouth. It pairs exceptionally well with milk. During the final stage of the production of Mozart Chocolate Liqueur, Mozart's music is played for two nights using specially crafted, rare loudspeakers.
2 items
Ingredient Mozart chocolate cream 30 ml Brandy 15 ml Fresh cream 15 ml Method ShakeGlass Cocktail glass Alcohol Normal(9% to 24%) Color Light brown Flavor Sweet Liking ★★★★★ The name is a character from Mozart's opera, The Magic Flute. A sweet cocktail cocktail.Jul 26, 2020Ingredient Mozart chocolate cream 30 ml Advocaat 30 ml Method BuildGlass Old fashioned glass(Rock glass) Ice with Ice Alcohol Normal(9% to 24%) Color Light brown Flavor Sweet Type Long drink T.P.O Digestif(After dinner cocktail) Liking ★★★★☆ A deeply sweet cocktail with an initial taste of chocolate liqueur and the rich flavor of Advocaat.Aug 20, 2022
2 items