Easter Egg[#2]

Mozart chocolate cream[Chocolate liqueur]30 ml
Advocaat[Egg liqueur]30ml
Pour ingredients directly into the glass and mix.
GlassOld fashioned glass(Rock glass)
Icewith Ice
AlcoholNormal(9% to 24%)
ColorLight brown
TypeLong drink
T.P.ODigestif(After dinner cocktail)
Photo: Easter Egg ©okyawa
A deeply sweet cocktail with an initial taste of chocolate liqueur and the rich flavor of Advocaat.
Aug 20, 2022

About Easter Egg Ingredients

Mozart chocolate cream
Born in the birthplace of Mozart, Salzburg, Mozart Chocolate Cream is crafted using cocoa and fresh cream in a lavish manner, resulting in a delightful taste of creamy chocolate that melts in your mouth. It pairs exceptionally well with milk. During the final stage of the production of Mozart Chocolate Liqueur, Mozart's music is played for two nights using specially crafted, rare loudspeakers.
卵リキュール (アドヴォカート)
Egg liqueur (Advocaat)
A creamy egg liqueur from the Netherlands. It has a sweet, mild flavor like thick custard cream.Because eggs are the raw material,the product must be stored in the refrigerator after opening and used up in two to three months.

About the supplies for making Easter Egg

Rocks glass
A small tumbler with a short, almost cylindrical shape. It is used for on-the-rocks drinking because of its wide mouth diameter and large ice capacity. The official name is Old Fashioned Glass.
Bar spoon
A spoon used to stir ingredients in a glass. It has a long handle and a spiral shape in the center of the handle to facilitate stirring.
Major cup
Measuring cups for measuring cocktail ingredients. Cups are paired at the top and bottom, and 30 ml and 45 ml are common.

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