Cocktail Recipes
Lemon juice cocktail recipes
Lemon juice cocktail recipes
- Lemon juice
- Lemon juice goes well with many types of cocktails.
Ingredient Dry Gin 30 ml Blue curacao 15 ml Lemon juice 15 ml Egg white 1 piece Method ShakeGlass Champagne glass Alcohol Normal(9% to 24%) Color Blue Flavor Medium sweet Type Short T.P.O Digestif(After dinner cocktail) Liking ★★★★★ This recipe uses blue curacao as the base for White Lady, and adds egg white. The taste is very gentle and easy to drink, refreshing but not too strong and mellow.May 4, 2021Ingredient Dry Gin 30 ml White curacao 15 ml Lemon juice 15 ml Method ShakeGlass Cocktail glass Alcohol Strong(More than 25%) Color White Flavor Medium sweet and dry Type Short T.P.O All day cocktail Liking ★★★★★ Excellent balance of alcohol, sweetness and acidity. Even though it has a high frequency, it has a pleasant taste and a refreshing taste. If you change gin to brandy, it becomes "sidecar", if you change it to vodka, it becomes "baralaika", and if you change it to rum, it becomes "XYZ".May 4, 2021Ingredient Dry Gin 45 ml Lemon juice 20 ml Ginger ale Full up (75ml) Garnish Amount Cut lime(* Or cut lemon) 1 cut Method BuildGlass Collins glass Ice with Ice Alcohol Normal(9% to 24%) Color Brown (Amber) Flavor Medium sweet and dry Type Long drink Liking ★★★★☆ The word "buck" in the name means "stag," meaning a cocktail with a kick that is easy to get drunk on. It is refreshing and has a sweet taste. It is also called the "London Buck" because the bar where the Gin Buck originated is in London.May 15, 2022Ingredient Dry Gin 30 ml Blue curacao 15 ml Lemon juice 15 ml Method ShakeGlass Cocktail glass Alcohol Normal(9% to 24%) Color Blue Flavor Medium sweet and dry Type Short Liking ★★★★☆ A refreshing cocktail with a citrus aroma, citrus sweetness and moderate acidity.Jul 23, 2022Ingredient Dry Gin 30 ml Grapefruit juice 15 ml Lemon juice 15 ml Grenadine syrup 1 tsp. Method ShakeGlass Cocktail glass Alcohol Normal(9% to 24%) Color Red Flavor Sweet and sour Liking ★★★★☆ Cocktail with a sweet and sour citrus refreshing taste.May 10, 2020Ingredient Dry Gin 45 ml Lemon juice 15 ml Sugar syrup 1 tsp. Egg white 1 piece Liqueur of choice 2 tsp. Method ShakeGlass Champagne glass Alcohol Strong(More than 25%) Flavor Middle Type Short T.P.O Party Liking ★★☆☆☆ Sep 5, 2020Ingredient Dry Gin 30 ml Parfait amour 15 ml Lemon juice 15 ml Method ShakeGlass Cocktail glass Alcohol Strong(More than 25%) Color Purple Flavor Medium sweet and dry Type Short T.P.O Digestif(After dinner cocktail) Liking ★★★★☆ The name is the full moon that occurs once every few years, and it is a rare phenomenon in the "moon that looks bluish". The most famous recipe for Parfait Amour cocktails. The sweetness of Parfait Amour is tightened by the acidity of gin and lemon. You can enjoy the refreshing scent of gin and the rich scent of sweet violet.Apr 4, 2021Ingredient Dry Gin 45 ml Lemon juice 20 ml Sugar syrup 2 tsp. Soda Full up (90ml) Method Shake & BuildGlass Collins glass Ice with Ice Alcohol Normal(9% to 24%) Color Transparency Flavor Refreshing Type Long drink T.P.O Aperitif(Pre dinner cocktail) Liking ★★★★☆ The flavor of gin and the acidity of lemon combine to make it refreshing and easy to drink.Jun 5, 2021Ingredient Dry Gin 25 ml Parfait amour 9ml White curacao 9 ml Lemon juice 17 ml Method ShakeGlass Cocktail glass Alcohol Normal(9% to 24%) Color Purple Flavor Clean Type Short Liking ★★★☆☆ Beautiful pinkish purple with a refreshing taste with a sour taste.Nov 28, 2021Ingredient Dry Gin 45 ml Tomato juice(unsalted) 100 ml Lemon juice 1 tsp. Arrangement additional ingredient Amount Salt small amount Black pepper small amount Method BuildGlass Tumbler Ice with Ice Alcohol Normal(9% to 24%) Color Red Flavor Middle Type Long drink T.P.O Aperitif(Pre dinner cocktail),All day cocktail Liking ★★★★☆ The name comes from a common British name. It has a tomato aroma and a sludgy mouthfeel, and becomes tangy with the addition of salt and pepper. The vodka-based version is called "Bloody Mary". In the United States during Prohibition, this tomato juice-colored Bloody Sam was popular because it was easy to cheat.Dec 19, 2021