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  5. Jack Tar (* derivative recipe)

Jack Tar(* derivative recipe)

Gold rum30 ml
Peach liqueur(※ PEACHTREE, Creme de Peach), etc.25 ml
Lime juice25 ml
Pour ice and ingredients into a shaker and shake.
GlassOld fashioned glass(Rock glass)
Icewith Ice
AlcoholStrong(More than 25%)
Photo: Jack Tar ©okyawa
Jack Tar means "sailor". An original cocktail from the well-established bar "Windjammer Jazz Cocktail Lounge" in Yokohama. Fruity, smooth texture and scent of lime. Originally, it was based on the rum of "Ronrico 151 proof" (75 degrees), using Southern comfort instead of peach, this is a derivative recipe.
Jun 7, 2020

About Jack Tar Ingredients

Gold rum
Rum that has been aged for approximately two months to three years. its barrel-derived aroma and moderate sweetness and It is also called "amber rum".
Peach liqueur
It is popular among women for its fresh sweet peach aroma and fruity flavor. It is often used in cocktails and is easy to arrange.
Lime juice
Fresh Lime Juice is 100% juice squeezed from fresh limes.Cordial lime juice is lime juice with added sugar.

About the supplies for making Jack Tar

Rocks glass
A small tumbler with a short, almost cylindrical shape. It is used for on-the-rocks drinking because of its wide mouth diameter and large ice capacity. The official name is Old Fashioned Glass.
Shaking with ice allows for rapid cooling. Effective for stirring materials that are difficult to mix or have a difference in specific gravity. Mellow out high alcohol content materials by mixing them with air.
Major cup
Measuring cups for measuring cocktail ingredients. Cups are paired at the top and bottom, and 30 ml and 45 ml are common.

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